
How To Make Your Phone Ring Longer Android

One of the most abrasive things about our jail cell phones is how short the ringtones final . We are non talking about the songs or melodies that you lot have established by default for when they call you, but about the fourth dimension that passes from when they commencement calling us until the mobile, by itself, hangs up, or the voicemail box skips.

For those of u.s.a. who leave our cell phones in the furthest room, in the back of our backpack, or straight take poor hearing, trying to option up the phone earlier information technology hangs upwards can exist a really frustrating human action. The usual outcome is that yous manage to reach the mobile merely when, when you choice information technology upward, we hear the ringtone cut off and and a missed call icon appears on the telephone screen.

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To the delight of many who don't know, there is a simple way to ensure that you never miss a telephone call over again. All y'all demand to do is increase the band time of your phone .


  • Who does the duration of the ringtone depend on?
  • Extend the call fourth dimension on your mobile
    • Lengthen the tone of the mobile with Movistar
    • Extend the call time without answer on Vodafone
    • How to lengthen the ringtone in Orange
    • Lengthening the tone with Yoigo
    • Pepephone also allows you to extend the waiting time
    • Lawmaking to make the mobile ring longer in MásMóvil
    • And the rest of the operators?
  • Be conscientious with voicemail and telephone call forwarding

Who does the duration of the ringtone depend on?

To change the corporeality of fourth dimension your device rings before forwarding calls to voicemail, simply enter a code in the phone app. This will not change the configuration of the smartphone itself, simply it volition modify the settings that your operator has established by default for your line.

And information technology is that this waiting time between the smartphone starts ringing and the mailbox skips, the call is diverted or cut off, depends on Movistar, Vodafone, Yoigo, Orange or the company you have contracted. For this same reason the code differs slightly depending on the provider you work with.

Extend the call time on your mobile

To lengthen the ringtone of the mobile you must enter the codes that we leave you below, depending on the operator yous accept contracted.

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Regardless of each of these examples, all you have to do is enter the code in the phone app and press the call or transport push. In all examples, the XXs correspond the number of seconds you want the smartphone to band before the call is dropped. In this fashion, if, for example, you want the mobile to band for 25 seconds, you must replace the XX or the number 25.

By default, a phone rings for 15 seconds before forwarding the telephone call (if you have the forwarding or answering motorcar role activated), simply luckily most providers permit you to increment the fourth dimension in 5-second intervals. Unfortunately, in general, there is a thirty-second limit that cannot exist exceeded so you cannot go out the phone ringing forever.

Lengthen the tone of the mobile with Movistar

If you take a smartphone "tied" to Movistar and when you lot receive a call, it jumps to your voice mailbox very quickly without giving you lot time to choice it upwardly, all you have to do is enter the following code:

** 61 * 123 ** XX #

By default the waiting time is twenty seconds simply it is possible to modify information technology between 5 and 30 seconds in 5 second intervals.

Extend the call time without reply on Vodafone

The example of Vodafone is somewhat more than complex because you lot have dissimilar codes depending on what yous want to do.

  • * 147 # : Sets the call time to 15 seconds.
  • * 147 * 30 # Sets the call time to 30 seconds.
  • * 147 * i # Code that redirects all calls to voicemail when your telephone is off or out of range.
  • * 147 * 2 # Lawmaking that redirects all the calls you receive on your line to the answering motorcar.

codigo vodafone

In this example there are no fourth dimension intervals and we can only set the waiting time to fifteen or xxx seconds.

How to lengthen the ringtone in Orange

Orange also has a good number of codes to alter the time that passes until the mobile hangs upwards or the call is diverted, either to another number or to the answering automobile.

To lengthen the ringing time before the mailbox goes off, you must punch the following sequence:

** 61 * 242 ** 20 #

Again you must replace the 20 with a numerical value that goes from 5 to xxx.

Lengthening the tone with Yoigo

In the example of Yoigo , the but matter we tin do is set the maximum waiting time, that is, 30 seconds.

To make the answering automobile take longer to jump when y'all do not reply a call, you lot must enter the following code in the phone app:

** 61 * 633 ** 30 #

Later dialing this prepare of symbols and numbers the telephone call time volition increase to thirty seconds.

Pepephone too allows you to extend the waiting time

30 seconds is the maximum we tin can proceed a telephone call with Pepephone on concord . To configure it you must enter this code in the telephone app:

** 61 * 22177 ** thirty #

Code to make the mobile ring longer in MásMóvil

In the case of the double "M" visitor, to lengthen the tones before the telephone call is cut off, you lot must dial the post-obit sequence on your line and printing the call push button:

** 61 * 633 ** 30 #

Obviously, being part of the aforementioned group, information technology is the same code as Yoigo's.

And the rest of the operators?

Information technology has not been like shooting fish in a barrel to find this information but that does not mean that other depression-price companies permit you to practise the same. The most appropriate thing is that you contact your operator's customer service so that they tin can tell y'all the lawmaking, whenever it is possible to do so.

Be careful with voicemail and phone call forwarding

The options nosotros have when the call time runs out are three. By default, the smartphone will redirect all incoming calls to voicemail, which would imply an extra toll for whoever is trying to contact you. For this reason we leave information technology upward to you whether you want to conciliate the answering machine or not.

The second option is that y'all accept telephone call forwarding activated from the phone's own settings. If so, the smartphone will stop ringing and the call will band in the terminal where you have inserted the SIM card with the number to which you lot have forwarded it.

The most comfortable is the 1 that implies that neither the answering machine nor the voicemail are active. When the ringtone time runs out, the smartphone volition direct hang up the incoming call and show you on the screen that you have a missed call.


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