
How To Make Watermelon Sweeter After Cutting

Watermelons are a tasty treat to enjoy all year round. Not only are watermelons delicious, merely they also accept numerous health benefits. Learning how to proceed watermelon fresh allows you to extend the overall shelf life of your fruit.

I watermelon is loaded with vitamins and nutrients that assist lower inflammation, lower stress and are a great style to proceed you hydrated. In that location are so many health benefits in just ane watermelon. Additionally, there are several ways to relish the fruit.

If you lot are looking to become the most out of your watermelon, look no further. We provide yous practiced ways to keep your watermelon fresh for as long as possible to forbid information technology from getting mushy.

Our amazing preservation methods utilize common household products that are piece of cake to find and inexpensive. Additionally, nosotros include some unique DIY recipes to quickly convert frozen watermelon into a succulent treat for you to enjoy.

How to Keep Watermelon Fresh titleimg1
  1. Storing Watermelon Made Easy
    • How to Keep Watermelon Fresh in a Refrigerator
    • How Long do Watermelon Last in Plastic Wrap?
  2. Astonishing DIY Watermelon Recipes
    • Keeping Watermelon Fresh as Ice Cream
    • Create a Refreshing Watermelon Smoothie

Storing Watermelon Made Easy

Preserving fresh produce the right mode is non hard, but each one is different. How long do vegetables and fruits concluding? It depends on the blazon.

Watermelons typically have a two-calendar week shelf life if left uncut. After you cutting a watermelon, keeping watermelon fresh might be a little more difficult due to the fruit's exposure to the air.

Knowing where and how to shop uncut watermelon and cut watermelon allows you to bask the fruit for as long as possible.

How to Keep Watermelon Fresh in a Refrigerator

Yous might be request, "How long do watermelon last in the refrigerator?" The respond to this question depends on whether the watermelon is cut or not.

Information technology is vital to refrigerate watermelons to preserve their ripeness, only as it is to proceed salad fresh and many other kinds of produce. Subsequently picking the whole watermelon from its vine, information technology cannot ripen any further.

Place your whole watermelon in your refrigerator until y'all're prepare to cutting information technology into smaller pieces. Storing a watermelon at room temperature takes away some of the juices the fruit offers.

How long do watermelon last in the fridge? When you refrigerate a whole watermelon, information technology lasts for two to 3 weeks before turning mushy.

How Long do Watermelon Final in Plastic Wrap?

Plastic wrap prevents your cut watermelon from arresting other flavors from different foods in your fridge. Knowing how to proceed watermelon fresh using plastic wrap is very uncomplicated and done in minutes.

It is besides a useful technique if you only need to cut one-half of your watermelon into small pieces. First, accept a sharp knife and cutting away the rind of the fruit. I trick that may assist you is to cut off i of the rounded ends of the watermelon.

Set the cut terminate face downwards on your cutting board. Cutting the terminate off makes the fruit more stable when slicing an unabridged watermelon into smaller cut pieces. If just i half of the watermelon is cutting, wrap the cut side in plastic wrap earlier storing it in the refrigerator.

Identify the smaller cut pieces in an airtight container earlier refrigerating. Wrapping your watermelon in plastic wrap volition preserve it for upwards to three days.

Amazing DIY Watermelon Recipes

Now that you know how to continue fresh watermelon, making some tasty recipes with watermelon is easy.

Keeping watermelon fresh subsequently information technology'due south blended into a smoothie or water ice cream is unproblematic because you can freeze it. When you freeze watermelon, information technology slows down the charge per unit at which it spoils.

Keeping Watermelon Fresh every bit Ice Cream

Freezing is ideal to keep strawberries fresh longer and the aforementioned principle applies to watermelon.

This simple recipe allows you to catechumen frozen pieces of watermelon into water ice cream with a few steps. This recipe is a lower calorie alternative to regular water ice cream while as well satisfying your sweetness tooth.


Watermelon Water ice Cream

  • 3 cups frozen cut pieces of watermelon
  • ane cup vanilla almond milk or Greek yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons monk fruit


When you freeze watermelon chunks, there are all kinds of yummy recipes that you can use the pieces in. For watermelon water ice cream, put all the ingredients in your blender and blend until you take a thick and creamy consistency.

If you eat the ice cream correct abroad, it'south prepare to eat. Withal, if y'all are looking to swallow the ice cream later, transfer the mixture into a loaf pan and set it in the freezer.

Create a Refreshing Watermelon Smoothie

Another reason you may want to be keeping watermelon fresh is to create hydrating smoothies. Blending your watermelon into a smoothie is a refreshing alternative to savour this succulent fruit.


Tasty Watermelon Smoothie

  • 3 cups frozen watermelon pieces
  • ½ cup vanilla Greek Yogurt
  • ½ tablespoon honey
  • ½ cup unsweetened almond milk


To add additional flavor to your smoothie, we recommend adding another cup of frozen fruit, like strawberries or cantaloupe.

Place all the ingredients in your blender, then blend at high power until your smoothie is a liquid consistency. You may take to add a lilliputian bit of h2o if the smoothie is too thick.

How long practise watermelon terminal? Nosotros take shown that it depends on whether or not the watermelon is cut. It is essential to store your watermelon in the refrigerator to prolong its shelf life.

Watermelon is also in terrific and simple recipes that permit you to freeze your watermelon for weeks.

Find out how to prolong the ripeness and shelf life of a whole watermelon. Refrigerate the melon in an airtight container instead of exposing the cut end to room temperature will extend the life. Watermelon and cantaloupe also make for delicious frozen smoothies. #storing #watermelon #fresh

If y'all take learned excellent tips and tricks for how to go on watermelon fresh, please share this article on keeping watermelon fresh with your friends and family on Pinterest or Facebook.


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